The body is one integrated system and should be treated as such.
Patient care requires adequate one-on-one time to listen and address all concerns.
Health care is a team effort between practitioners and the patient.
Practicing only what produces real results.
The body's natural state is one of health and joy.

What to Expect
During your first appointment you will spend an hour and a half one-on-one with your MSK practitioner and periodic visits with our Doctor of Oriental Medicine. Follow-up appointments are usually also 90 minutes. We spend this time listening, treating, and educating the patient to move him/her towards effective self-care and body awareness. Your practitioner will take a detailed history, perform a series of tests to evaluate your primary concern, perform a postural analysis, and treat according to findings. Our goal is always to find and remove the source of body pain. If we feel the source of your issue is outside our scope of practice, we will quickly refer you to the correct physician. The treatment incorporates hands-on corrections as well as the use of tools to assist in stretching and strengthening as needed. If appropriate, you will be given therapeutic exercise and homework. You will be clothed during the session, so wear comfortable clothing that allows for free movement of your body. Gym clothes are perfect; no skirts. Our trained MSK Specialists may offer optional acupuncture as part of your treatment to release the musculature in a pain-free way to maximize treatment benefits. We have found that combining acupuncture to the structural treatment yields the best results, however acupuncture is not a requirement for the MSK treatment.